Time heals all wounds.. In God's perfect time, everything will fall into place.
This is my 3rd installment on the blog series I started last month. This is actually a part of me that I wanted to share here on hive. If you haven't read the first two you can read it HERE & HERE.This will be a lot more different from the original post on my website. This is an updated version of what I first posted back there.
Let me tell you my story first. I met my daughter's dad, 8 years ago through a friend. Believe it or not, I knew right then and there that He will become a great part of my life. I wasn't wrong, we may not ended up together but he gave me the most precious gift that I have always asked for. As I've mentioned on my first installment, he was out of the picture already when I got pregnant and have given birth. We didn't communicate, he disappear into a thin air. Instead of getting mad, I focused on giving birth to a healthy child and did everything to become the best mom to my daughter.
Being a mom is a blessing to me. And I can't thank God enough for this wonderful gift. Having to wake up everyday beside a sweet daughter who smiles and hugs me everytime while uttering those words "good morning mommy,love you". She is the sweetest daughter! She was bubbly while growing up.
I went through a lot when it comes to love and relationships. I had my heart broken for countless of times already and I thank God for it. I have cried yes, but it made me more stronger every now and then. Since no man is an island, and seeing my daughter cried really hard when she was almost two years old, hurts me so much that made me cry. There was one incident that my sister called when I was working, I can hear my daughter crying while saying " I want to buy a daddy!". My heart sank while hearing those words. I was in deep pain. My sister was laughing about it but I was in pain. If only that's an easy thing to do.
I have think so hard about it, and it made me join online dating. I am not really into that because I'm always afraid to meet someone whom I barely know. I just swipe left always and then I stopped in the middle. I saw someone very familiar. My heart suddenly froze. It was her dad! Without having sort of communication and unsearchable in social media, there he was. I suddenly thought about my daughter. So I swipe right. He began messaging me and asked for my Facebook account. We were talking and he asked me if it's possible for him to meet our daughter.
They have met in person and I was so happy to be able to let them meet. It was a dream come true for me. Though her dad was still pursuing his dream at that time and told me honestly that he didn't know if he can be a good father to her. That was the first and last time they met personally. I didn't expect much from him though, so I just told him to contact my daughter whenever he can.
And then one day, I fell in love with someone unexpectedly. The relationship lasted for four long years. I was happy yes but things didn't turn out the way we wanted it too. We realized that our misunderstandings always led to fights and eventually it led to breakup.
Right now, I'm focusing more on being a mom and becoming the best version of me. I'm focusing into my passion for blogging and looks forward for a brighter tomorrow.
My daughter's dad is constantly communicating with my daughter. As years passed by, I didn't want to take that away from her. I still wanted my daughter to be in good terms with her biological dad. We are trying to be a good parents to her. Though he's far away for now, he can't wait to be with our daughter soon.
Now I'm just trying to heal all the wounds in my heart and I know that someday I'll be happier. I trust God that he have prepared something for me. That soon I'll be healed and will fall in love to someone and be with me and my daughter forever. 🥰
I just want you all to know that Love will find its way. It's something that will knock on your heart the least you expect it. We just don't have to rush it over, especially to single mom like me.
That's it for now! See you on my next post! Adios! 🥰
Sassy Cebuana blogs about her personal style, lifestyle, travels, and shares about her experience being a single mom and everything in between. She wanted to inspire others by documenting it here at this little corner in hive.
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