
In my ten years in the blogosphere, I have finally realized that there's actually a place for me to inspire more people and help individuals who are looking for answers with regards to finding their true passion.


Writing seems hard to some but it's actually fulfilling to type those words inside your head and let it be heard. I have invited few of my colleagues, some friends and my loving family members to share their stories and hidden talent here in hive. I know to those who have done their intro's already, special mention to @uebermensch, @blankgamer8, @aldrinadventurer, @chriscapes, and @simpledemple, that you're having a hard time coming up on a topic or what to post next. This blog post is dedicated to you guys, especially to all the newbies who are lost and didn't know what to do after their introduction post.

So let me share something that might inspire you on what to post next that I have first posted on my previous blog, to serve as your guide and inspiration. This is an updated version of the old one.


Facing your computer, trying to come up with something that you've been thinking to blog about the past few days but when you started typing, all of a sudden the ideas that have been sitting on your mind is completely gone. Does this sound familiar to you? This is the most common problem to every bloggers, "the writer's block". This was one of the ultimate reason before that I went MIA (missing in action) on my blog, most of the time.

How did I overcome it? I always make sure that if I can't come up with something and if my head is completely messed up I simply stop typing and logged out. "Never force yourself" to write something when this happens, it will only cause you headache and a messed up article. We don't want that to happen right?

Here are the things I usually do to overcome it:


CLEAR OUT YOUR MIND - I take a break from the online world, once in a while. We needed to breathe fresh air and relax. Listen to music, go to the beach, be one with nature or simply treat yourself some coffee and chill.


DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY - Sometimes when we're too focused into something we forget doing the things we used to do. I'm talking about the real world, Eat out! Have an early morning walk and see the sun as it shines. Treat yourself with something that you've been craving for, this helps me a lot. Remember that when you're happy, everything else's follows. Ideas will flow naturally.


FIND AN INSPIRATION - Sometimes reading other blogs will motivate us and gives us ideas on what to blog next. Engagement can help you think and organize your thoughts. You can actually try to share Things about You. Just like what I shared last time which you can read here.


WORK NOW! - If the ideas are fresh in your head go ahead and write. It's easier to write something when the ideas are fresh, why do it later if you can do it now? That's the reason why I keep posting here on hive. I was actually hesitating at first to post everyday but Gilaine @purepinay told me that it's actually okay. If you feel like posting then go ahead, as long you pour your heart into it, it's always worth reading.


WRITE THEM DOWN- If you can't still gather your thoughts but you have ideas on your mind while you're outside or while sipping your coffee write it down. You can have it written on your mobile phone's notepad or on your journal. It's much easier to blog something when you have prepared a draft of it or ideas on what to post. That happens everytime to me, just when I'm about to close my eyes, I thought of something and then write it down on my notepad. By the way, most of the time, I'm just using my mobile phone when writing.

So that's it, those were just my simple ways of overcoming writer's block. If all else fail, which I doubt, ask yourself this question "Why am I here?". What made me decide to be on the platform? What are the things I love doing? from there you'll be motivated to create a post. Write all the answers and publish it.

How about you? What are the things you usually do to overcome writer's block? Let me know in the comments below. Happy Blogging!


Sassy Cebuana

Sassy Cebuana blogs about her personal style, lifestyle, travels, and shares about her experience being a single mom and anything in between. She wanted to inspire others by documenting it here at this little corner in hive.

If you love her content, it will mean a lot if you upvote and leave a comment for this single momma. For blog collaboration or inquiries, feel free to contact her on her social media channels or email her @